First visit
When attending our clinic for the first time please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment. This allows time for you to complete our New Patient Form to inform your chiropractor on the reason for your visit. Please bring any relevant x-rays, or clinical notes that will assist with understanding your reason for attending. Your chiropractor will take you through to your treatment room, where they will ask about the history of your complaint and reason for attending, undertake some tests, and complete a variety of measures to understand how best to treat you. This initial consultation will take about 40 minutes.

Second and ongoing visits
Following your first visit, your chiropractor will have reviewed any further scans, x-rays, or clinical notes to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. At the second session, a treatment plan will be provided with a clear path towards your specific goals which you want to achieve from treatment. To achieve these goals, your chiropractor will undertake a series of treatment modalities, such as dry needling, manipulation, and massage, with the prescription of home exercises. These sessions will be 20 minutes.